When to Stop Starting Strength – A Proper Guide!

Starting Strength is showing people that progress, not randomness, is what matters!

Starting strength is the most effective method to develop strength using basic barbell exercises. But there’s a time limit for developing strength so you can move for another exercise. 

So, when to stop starting strength? 

Until your Deadlift is firmly established before your Squat, then you can stop. After 2-4 weeks you can stop doing starting strength and move to an advanced level. But if you are still not done with speed, power, endurance, balance, and coordination, you’ve to continue. 

Now, will 2-4 weeks be enough for everyone to develop strength? I‘ve discussed it all in the article. Hopefully, it’ll help you know the perfect time when to stop starting strength.

So, let’s get started!

When To Move On From Starting Strength?

After you are done developing strength, power, endurance, and balance, you can move from starting strength. 

Strength is the essential physical adaptation we can acquire because it influences all the others. It’s a strength that’s the foundation for athletic performance and key to our long-term health. So, strength development in the first phase is supreme.

A basic idea about starting strength program is required to know when to move on. The stages and days are mentioned in the table below-

Phase 1

In the program’s initial phase, A and B have the same schedule. Just the days for Press and Bench press cannot be consecutive days.

1st week, if you Bench Press Monday, then Press Wednesday and again Bench Press Friday. In the 2nd week, you upturn the days.

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                              Day A                              Day B
SQUAT 5 reps x 3 setsSQUAT 5reps x 3 sets
PRESS / BENCH PRESS 5 reps x 3 setsPRESS / BENCH PRESS 5 reps x 3 sets
Deadlift 5 reps x 1 setDeadlift 5 reps x 1 set


Phase 2

In this phase power clean is introduced. Your deadlift becomes heavier; doing it three times a week becomes challenging to recover. 

Day A will consist of deadlifts. Day B will consist of 5 sets of 3 reps in power clean. Power Clean assists in driving the deadlift even without the fatigue that comes with high-frequency deadlifting.

Phase 2 may last for a few weeks, or several months. But that depends explicitly on the individual trainee.

The schedule is the same as phase 1.

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                              Day A                              Day B
SQUAT 5 reps x 3 setsSQUAT 5reps x 3 sets
PRESS / BENCH PRESS 5 reps x 3 setsPRESS / BENCH PRESS 5 reps x 3 sets
Deadlift 5 reps x 1 setDeadlift 5 reps x 1 set


Phase 3

On Day A, those who alternate, while chin-ups are successfully completed on Day B.

In case you decide to Deadlift on Monday, schedule Chins on Wednesday. Lastly, do Power Cleans on Friday. 

Repeatedly, Chins or Weighted Chins, and deadlift again on Wednesday. This allows for adequate healing.

People often need to start micro-loading their pressing movements. Also, clean in 2.5lb or smaller increments to continue linear progress in phase 3.

Lastly, Phase 3! The phase where people outreach the “Advanced Novice” stage. They only add weight to their squats twice a week (Monday and Friday). 

Wednesday serves as a lighter recovery day.

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                            Day A                             Day B
SQUAT 5 reps x 3 setsSQUAT 5 reps x 3 sets
PRESS / BENCH PRESS 5 reps x 3 setsPRESS / BENCH PRESS 5 reps x 3 sets
DEADLIFT 5 reps x 1 set/ POWER CLEAN 3 reps x 5 setsCHIN-UPS


How Long Should Starting Strength Take?

It’s a  two-three weeks session. Some may take more time than usual, maybe weeks or months. 

At the end of the phase, men and women will have improvements in number. The number defines the limitation of their squatting Ibs.

For men of age 18-35 years old:

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                            Exercise                                Ib
SQUAT40-50 Ibs
PRESS15-20 Ibs


For most women and men of age 35-40 years:

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                            Exercise                              Ib Jumps
SQUATSingle 10Ib humps
DEADLIFT2-3 10Ib jumps


In addition to squatting and deadlifting, there are good results of other exercises too. After jumping in squatting and deadlifting, you can immediately jump 5 Ibs in other practices. 

Then again, some movements proceed to 2.5 lb or smaller incremental increases sooner.

Mention The Importance Of Doing Starting Strength? 

The importance of strength in any fitness routine is unquestionable! 

There are many reasons why strength development is imperative before doing intermediate exercises. Some unavoidable reasons for starting strength are:

Faster Muscle Growth 

Lifting weights promotes balance by increasing the lean mass to fat mass ratio. 

Not to mention can starting strength and cardio be done together is another issue here.

Well, mild cardio with starting strength won’t hurt your gains. But for this, proper sleep and eating are the prerequisites.

As a result, you gain muscle and lose body fat faster if you do cardio training.

Prevent Injury

The more significant your strength, the more resilient you’ll be. Muscles provide structural support for your ligaments, tendons, and bone structure. 

According to research, keeping them strong improves stability and lessens you to injury during daily activities.

We can recommend some products to strengthen your joint and protect it from inflammation and pain. 

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JOINT N-11This supplement protects joint tissue.
GOLDEN REVIVE +This supplement works best for stiff joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.


Based on existing research on supplements, these works effectively. 

Burn Calories

This includes binge-watching the latest Netflix show. 

Extra lean muscle helps burn more calories. Even when you’re not moving. Lifting weights uses muscles at a high intensity. This causes tiny tears, but don’t worry, this is a good thing! 

Muscles grow stronger as they heal. It takes 24-48 hours to repair and recover, during which time you are burning calories.

Build stronger bones

Research proved that strength training effectively improves bone density. At the same time, it lowers the risk of osteoporosis.

With growing age, you start losing muscle mass, and bones become vulnerable to breaks and fractures.

Muscle strengthening, particularly around the spine and hips, can aid in the prevention of osteoporosis-related injuries.

Reduce Stress And Boost Self-Esteem

After a tiring day, get in the weight room. Do strength training. Like all exercises, it produces those feel-good endorphins. 

It’s also simple to track your progress, and it happens quickly! You’ll gain weight and feel like a superhuman before you know it. 

Starting Strength develops the strength for people of all ages. These discussed reasons are benefited, everyone.

What Are The Risks Of Starting Strength?

The biggest issue with Starting Strength is the core lifts in this program are technically challenging. But maximum people fail to realize it. 

Newbies tend to be quite sensitive to weight training. Added that, using many sets, in the beginning, can cause excessive muscle damage and soreness.

It also increases recovery needs and impairs our ability to build muscle.

Another issue with SS is it begins with relatively advanced variations of the major barbell lifts. That’s certainly not good for skinny people or beginners.  

What Measures Should Be Taken To Avoid Injury?

Indeed, an apparent sports or exercise injury is a sprain. Also, injuries to ligaments, muscles, and bone fractures are mentionable. 

Precaution is better than cure! This quote is not just for saying. It’s a warning to people to mind taking necessary actions for reducing the risk of injuries. 

Take A Break

In between the sessions take a day break. Plan a minimum of 1 month of break per year from special training.

Increase Warmup Period

Starting exercise without warmup calls for a bigger health issue. So, a perfect warmup is imperative.

Proper Technique

There are techniques for every exercise or sport. Such techniques should be reinforced while training.

Ignore Training While Injured

Strictly avoid any kind of movement during illness. This will make you weaker and may make you vulnerable to major sickness.

Self-care is more important than anything else. If you follow these specific preventive measures, at least you can avoid any major injuries. 


Are Starting Strength Good For Beginners?

Yes, starting strength is good for beginners. Above all, it was all designed for beginners. Based on age. The beginner can choose only one or two exercises. If physical fitness allows, four to six exercises for the beginners allow good technique focus.

Does Starting Strength Build Mass?

Indeed, starting strength builds mass. It is a strength development exercise using a basic barbell. The muscle gains will be mostly in the hips and thighs. Because starting strength focuses greatly on the lower-bar back squat. It helps intensify the muscle mass of people of any age.

Is powerlifting Starting Strength?

No, they have different purposes. Starting strength is a general method of developing the strength of people of all ages. It’s the basics of any exercise. Whereas, powerlifting is a sport. Powerlifters focus on squat, deadlift, and bench press for the overall strength development to fight competitions.


Hopefully, now you know when to stop starting strength. After developing your initial strength, move on to the intermediate level.

Starting strength is the basic barbell exercise used to develop strength. This welcomes people of all ages. After you won perfections in the initial exercises, you become eligible to stop and move forward.

Either way, let me know if the information was helpful for you. You can leave a comment here. Enjoy! 

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